Brownies Cake

Brownies Cake 

This are the easiest and most delicious brownies that I have ever eaten. They are so moist and super quick and easy to make. For best results, use a Dutch processed cocoa. For less cake-like brownies, use all-purpose flour instead of self rising.

Ingredients :
      Cup unsalted butter
 ¼1 cup white sugar
 3   large egg cool
      Summary teaspoon vanilla
 ½  cup unsweetened cocoa
 ¾  cup flour
 ¾  teaspoon salt

 ½  teaspoon baking powder 

How to prepare :
  Heat oven to a temperature of 175 degrees
  ¾ cup melted butter in a large saucepan
  Then remove from the heat and add the sugar and stir eggs And ½1 teaspoon vanilla.
  In addition batters and cocoa, flour, salt and baking baud
  Spread the dough in the Chinese processed.
  Bake in a hot oven for 25 to 30 minutes,
  Taking into account not over bread.

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