French Cookies with Jam

                                                       French Cookies with Jam

                                                  ½1  glass butter, at room temperature
                                                  1     glass sugar
                                                  1     egg
                                                  1     teaspoon vanilla
                                                  ¼3  glass flour
                                                  ¼    glass jam (strawberry, apricot, or any favorite fruit)
                                                  1     teaspoon salt

                                          How to prepare:
     Fail the butter in a bowl, then add sugar and beat well the electric mixer.
     Eggs and vanilla beat well and add to the butter
     Mix the salt with the flour and add the mixture in two batches.
     Please do not over-kneading.
     Form dough into small balls and place on baking tray lined with baking paper.
     Gap made by the thumb in the middle of each piece of cookies.
     Bake in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove from the oven and fill in the gaps with a                      small amount of strawberry jam. 
     Bake in the oven again for 10 minutes.
     Cookies raise and leave until cool.


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