Moroccan Breakfast

Just thinking about Morocco makes my nostrils flare. 
Maybe that sounds a bit odd, but the mere mention of the word sends my senses in to a frenzy.
If I close my eyes I can smell orange blossom and rose, cumin and mint.
I can taste almonds, dates and lamb.
I can see dishes in saffron yellow, henna orange and cinnamon brown, all presented in brightly coloured ceramics.

in morocco they are  a lot of traditional breakfast , but the majority have their breakfast :

in drinks : Tea \ coffee with milk . 
and the bread \ "mssemn or melwee" \ cakes \ olive .
and olive oil \ Argan oil \ jam .

if you need how to cook the "mssemn or melwee" or moroccan cakes .
or you need information for argan oil .
just write in comment your question
or in our page in facebook .


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