Moroccan Coffee

Moroccan Coffee

i am a deep coffee lover at heart.
i drink coffee all day. i come from two parents who also have consumed a lot coffee for as long as i remember. i married a man who would likely ingest coffee intravenously if it were possible. instead he drinks more coffee than anyone i know. my kids already steal sips from our cups.
see… we like coffee.
the winds here are growing colder. it honestly feels like fall lately. i’d like to think coffee doesn’t hold such a soft spot in my heart during the hot months, but i’d be lying. however, there’s something about savoring a perfectly spiced flavored coffee when it’s cooler outside.

we do sometimes consume bags of flavored coffee, but we’re strong jet-fuel bold coffee drinkers here. so if i want a flavored coffee, i usually like to add my own real spices than consume beans coated in “natural flavorings”.
this moroccan coffee combines a blend of delicious spices that not only taste heavenly, but also bring serious health benefits to the table.

speaking of doing things that are better for you, there’s actually a coffee company that’s better for the earth. puro fairtrade coffee is a company i admire. in addition to being fairtrade and grown by small farmers, they also use a percentage of the money made from coffee sales to purchase and save portions of the rainforests in south america. so if you’re like me and you want to feel good about all of that coffee you’re drinking, check out their coffees.


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